Every library has their own set of rules for document issue/number of books/ duration of issue etc. Similarly, EDZAG library admin can create their own set of rules such as :

  • How many books a user (Student or Teacher) can issue at a time.

  • For how many day book can be issued to a user before fine.

  • How much per day fine is applicable in case of late return.

  • Include holidays in fine calculations or not.

To setup more customized rules, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Login to Library portal using admin credentials.

  • After login, navigate to Home -> Master -> Issue Rules

  • On Issue Rules page, click on "Add Rule" button.

  • Enter values of fields Issue Duration, Fine Amount per day, Number of documents allowed, Holiday included or not, Weekend Included or not.

  • Click on Save button to create the issue rule.