Recommendation: Recommendation allow non admin users to recommend documents which are not available or quantity is short in library. Once document is recommended, other users of that organization can cast vote if they agree to have document in library.
Edzag welcome recommendations for acquisition of books, journals and e-resources that you think the Library should have. Make sure that we don't already have the item by searching for it on Search Document page.
Other Details:
- Once document is recommended, Library Admin can activate/reject/delete it.
- After recommended document is activated by admin, it will be available to all users for up vote.
- If library admin feels that document can be included in library, admin can approve it and make acquisition request to get the document.
Any Non User can make recommendation from: Home -> Engage> Document -> Add Recommendation
Examples and Samples:
If any student/teacher feels that Java Programming book "Complete Reference Java" is not available in library and its a value add if it is available for students then user can make recommendation.
What can be achieved by Recommendation:
Library admin will get insights about what teachers/students are looking for and library does not have sufficient items. This will allow library to accession in-demand and valuable documents.
Cross reference:
- Acquisition.
- Search Document.